Family of Five!

Family of Five!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Court Date Done!

We are done with our court hearing!! Everything went perfect...actually too perfect. The judge didn't even show up. We went into the court room and the lady from the court came in and was talking for a while to our translator and I was getting really nervous that something was wrong. After about 5 minutes, Oksana turned to us and said that today was our lucky day. We just had to sign some papers and we were done. The judge said that everything was good to go and we could leave! Our translator said that in the 10 years she has been doing this, that has never happened to her before. They were saying that he was probably still drunk from a night of drinking and didn't want to come in! Drinking here is very common, people walk down the street drinking beer all hours of the day. The beer is actually cheaper than the water. We even found 2 liters of beer for sale in the grocery store. We couldn't believe it. After court, we went to the orphanage to visit our precious little girl. She is getting more and more attached to Shawn. I get a little jealous but then I remember that I have two momma boys at home so I get over it! The caregiver asked if we could purchase some craft items for them to make stuff with. She showed us all around the 3rd floor where the older kids live and we saw all the crafts they had made during the years. Eryna 's class has nothing in their room so she wants to make stuff to hang up. So Shawn and I went to a stationary store and bought some items for them. I hope I can help one day! We are pretty tired still from our walk yesterday and the activity today so we are going to make this short and head to bed right when we are done skyping to the boys! Enjoy the video's I was finally able to upload!

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